

同时为宝宝的身心成长提供营养, 这也是你去爱的机会, 触摸你的孩子,和他交流. When your baby gains weight steadily and is content and thriving, it's reassuring and rewarding. 一个出生就有 先天性心脏缺陷 (冠心病), 然而, 可能不会像其他婴儿那样迅速增重, 尽管你努力工作,坚持不懈. 有时这可能令人沮丧. 


Healthy babies usually double their birth weight between 3 and 4 months of age. Infants and children with congenital heart disease tend to gain weight more slowly. The most common reason for poor growth is that the baby isn't taking in enough calories or nutrients. 婴儿在喂食时可能会感到疲倦,因此摄入的食物会减少. 如果你的宝宝似乎喝了足够的母乳或配方奶粉, he or she may still gain weight very slowly due to the increased caloric needs. Your baby's pediatrician or 心脏病专家 will weigh your baby with each office visit. 这些体重测量将显示你的宝宝生长得有多好.


母乳喂养是大多数婴儿最好的营养来源. It can also reduce the risk of certain health conditions for both mother and baby, 但重要的是要灵活安排你的喂养方法和沙巴足球体育平台表. Some babies with heart disease may also require feeding supplements to their breast milk or formula or require feeding through a feeding tube placed into the nose.

Babies with congenital heart disease typically do best when fed more often and on demand. They tend to tire quickly during feeding, so frequent feedings tend to work well. 最初, 你可能需要每隔一到三个小时喂一次宝宝, and you may need to wake your baby several times during the night for feeding until he or she is able to tolerate a larger volume of milk. 


If your baby is diagnosed with a 先天性心脏缺陷 either before or immediately after birth, 你可能没有机会在分娩时给宝宝喂奶. 如果是这样的话, it’s recommended that you use a breast pump to express milk within the first six hours after delivery. 然后每24小时至少进行八次疗程. As your baby progresses, be sure to pump as often as your baby is feeding to maintain your supply. 你可以考虑租一个电泵供家庭使用. 如果你的宝宝在母乳喂养后需要手术, you can pump your breasts to maintain your milk supply during times when your baby can't nurse. 请务必在每次使用前后清洁吸奶器.

婴儿喂奶的量和频率取决于他们的个人需要. 最初几天,它们可能每隔一到三个小时进食一次. During the first weeks and months they will feed about every two to four hours. Although this may vary at times with shorter or longer times between feedings, 一般来说,它们会在24小时内进食8到12次.

If you have questions or need help with either pumping or getting the baby latched onto your breast, 联系哺乳顾问. 在你出院之前, the lactation consultant will watch you breastfeed your baby to make sure it's going well.


配方奶喂养可能比母乳喂养更灵活一些, 特别是如果你的孩子出生后还在医院接受治疗. Bottle-feeding also allows the baby's father and other family members to become more active in feeding the baby.

商业公式, 大多数超市都有售, are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and must meet minimum nutritional and safety standards. You and your baby's health care professional can decide which formula is best for your baby. Be sure to wash your hands and bottles and properly prepare the formula when making up a bottle. During the first few days start by offering one to two ounces of formula every two to three hours. As your baby gets older you can start to increase the size of the bottle and continue with feedings every three to four hours. 婴儿通常会吃他们需要的东西.

还有很多种类的奶瓶和奶嘴可供选择. 你可能需要通过试验来找到最适合宝宝的乳头. 职业治疗师, clinical nurse specialist or feeding team member may assess your baby's feeding habits and make recommendations for a specific feeding schedule and nipple.


Some babies with congenital heart disease may not take in adequate amounts of calories with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding alone. These children may require additional feeding using a nasogastric, or NG, tube. 这根胃管被放在婴儿的鼻子里,然后通向胃. 配方奶或母乳是通过管子输送的. This makes the feedings less "work" and results in your baby gaining more weight. Other methods of tube feeding include gastrostomy tube (G-tube) or jejunostomy tube (J-tube). These methods involve placing the tube surgically into the stomach (G-tube) or intestine (J-tube). You and your child’s health care team will determine the best method and feeding schedule for your baby.


在宝宝6个月大之前,不要给他们其他液体. Formula or breast milk is the best way to meet your baby's caloric needs when solid food or juices are started.


Your doctor will help you determine when solid food should be added to your baby's diet. 这通常发生在6个月左右. 对大多数孩子来说,你不需要按照一定的顺序给他们食物. 推荐的食物可能包括强化谷物, 水果, 蔬菜, 蛋白质, 谷物, 酸奶和奶酪. 这些食物比较软,婴儿吃起来比较容易. 这是和你的孩子建立健康饮食习惯的时候了. Talk with your pediatric health care team about the best foods to introduce based on your child’s specific growth curve.


Many babies with congenital heart disease are given medications such as furosemide to control congestive heart failure. 这些药物通常不会影响进食. 通常最好在喂奶前给宝宝服药. Give the medications directly into your baby's mouth using a syringe or dropper from the medication bottle. Do not mix any medication in the formula bottle because your baby may not finish the bottle. 如果婴儿在服药后呕吐, 在下次预定沙巴足球体育平台之前不要再给药.

Contact your 心脏病专家 or other health care professional if your baby becomes ill, 每天进食不佳或呕吐超过两至三次. Your baby's medication may need to be adjusted, or a formula change may be needed.


坚持不懈、充满爱心地喂养宝宝将会得到回报. 即使你的宝宝吃东西没有热情, 在喂食沙巴足球体育平台身体靠近你是很重要的. 喂养宝宝应该是一种积极的体验,而不是战场. 让你的宝宝决定他/她什么时候满意. 如果你有喂养问题或对宝宝的成长有疑问, 和你的儿科医生谈谈, 心脏病专家, 护士或营养师.