
Unstable angina, one of several 急性冠状动脉综合征, causes unexpected chest pain, and usually occurs while resting. The most common cause is reduced blood flow to the heart muscle because the 冠状动脉 are narrowed by fatty buildups (动脉粥样硬化) that can rupture, causing injury to the coronary blood vessel. This results in blood clotting, which blocks blood flow to the heart muscle.

Unstable angina should be treated as an emergency. If you have new, worsening or persi支架 chest discomfort, call 911 and go to the emergency room. 你可以有 心脏病, increasing risk for severe cardiac 心律失常 or 心脏骤停, which could lead to sudden death.

Learn about an unstable form of angina called Prinzmetal心绞痛.


Blood clots that block an artery partially or totally are what cause unstable angina. Typically, the artery will have plaque buildup (动脉粥样硬化) that has narrowed the vessel. The plaque may have damaged areas that make it easier for blood clots to form. Angina can occur each time a clot blocks blood flow in an artery. 了解更多关于 血液凝固过度.


Unstable angina pain or discomfort:

  • May occur while you're resting, sleeping or with little physical exertion.
  • 这是一个惊喜.
  • May last longer than stable angina
  • Usually isn't relieved by rest or medicine.
  • 会随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移变得更糟吗.
  • 会导致心脏病发作吗.


第一个, your health care team will need to find the blocked part or parts of the 冠状动脉 by performing a 心导管检查. 在这个过程中, a catheter is guided through an artery in the arm or leg and into the 冠状动脉, then injected with a liquid dye through the catheter. High-speed X-ray movies record the course of the dye as it flows through the arteries, and blockages can be identified by tracing the flow. An evaluation of how well your heart is working also can be done during 心导管检查.


View an illustration of a 心导管检查(链接在新窗口中打开).

下一个, based on the extent of the coronary artery blockage(s) your health care team will discuss with the following treatment options with you:

  1. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) may be required to open a blocked coronary artery. This procedure involves undergoing 心导管检查, followed by using a catheter with a small inflatable balloon at the tip. 气球充气了。, squeezing open the fatty plaque deposit in the inner lining of the coronary artery. Then, the balloon is deflated and the catheter is withdrawn. This procedure is often followed by insertion of a 支架 to keep the coronary artery vessel open to allow for improved blood flow to the heart muscle.
  2. Coronary artery bypass graft surgery may be necessary depending on the extent of coronary artery blockages and medical history. 在这个过程中, a blood vessel is used to route blood around the blocked part of the artery.

For more information, talk to your health care team.